Failure Is Not Final

As we go through life, we encounter not only victories but also losses; we wear not only smiles but we also shed tears and we feel not only joys but also sorrows. And so in life; we also experience failures not only successes. Even great men in history have had their own share of failures in their lives and one of the most notable is Abraham Lincoln who was the 16th President of America. He actually lost in several elections when he ran for different positions before he was elected as President. His efforts as a leader have been monumental that slavery is abolished. Another one is Thomas Alva Edison who had failed at his 1,000 attempts while he was inventing the light bulb. If it were not for him, we would not be able to enjoy now that necessary light in our homes.
Failure is not final! This line struck me when I listened to my favorite Preacher just recently. Indeed, failures are inevitable in life. No matter what we do or no matter how good we are, it is a norm that we experience failures. But the sad thing is not all people are like Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Alva Edison who both did not stop at their failures but instead moved on from their failures and achieve greater things not only for themselves but also for the rest of humanity. I believe they are also normal human beings like us. Hence, it is not possible that we too no matter what failures we have been through, no matter how painful and shameful they were, we can also overcome failures and reach our goals and become successful. So what must we do?

Learn from Failures.
‘Experience is the best teacher’ as an old adage says. Personally, I have learned valuable lessons in life from the failures I have faced. Those lessons are so practical that I have not even learned them from the university where I studied. The lessons learned from our failures cannot be taken from us and so it is a treasure, something that cannot be taken away from us. Thus, we must apply the lessons learned and share it to others especially to our children. I learned a lot from my failure in handling my finances. It was so hard to accept and I almost have not forgiven myself due to its negative effects on my family.  But I am grateful that through it I now know how to manage my finances wisely. I pay off debts and put aside money for savings. I do not purchase wants on credit and I prepare for emergencies and my children’s future.

Grow from Failures.
‘The money you have invested is all gone and you already failed in that business.’ Those were what I told myself.  Nothing can turn back times and no one can change what already happenned. The best that we can do is to vow to grow from our failures - to become better and stronger. Yes! It is possible! If you have failed previously as a wife or as a mother, it is not yet too late to make up and start over again. We will be a better wife, a more loving and caring mother, a stronger person as a whole.
 Use Failures as stepping stones.
Crying over spilled milk will do no good thing. It is okay to cry. I am a cry baby myself but if we keep on crying and not doing anything to move on then we have a problem.  After you cry, wipe those tears and get up! Fix yourself and be determined to achieve that ‘success’ this time. Use the failure as a key for you to keep on. If you failed starting up a business, then use the learning from that failure. For sure you know now what went wrong and what would you need to improve this time around.

Furthermore, for us to accomplish the actions as shared above, we need the following:
As the Word of God says in James 1:5 ‘If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.’ We need wisdom to enable to determine what to learn from our failures. And it is only God who can give us this heavenly wisdom.  
We also need courage to overcome failures for us to be able grow to become the person God wanted us to be. It is not His plan and purpose that we become failures. He wanted us to succeed. He designed us to achieve great things for His glory and honor. God has great plans for us as what he said in Jeremiah 29:11, ‘For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.’
We should not lose faith. We need to keep believing that we will succeed.  We need faith to see better things which lie ahead of us. Failures will be just one of those steps as we climb higher. As the Word of God says in Hebrews 11:6 ‘But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.’


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