It must be taught in schools, practiced in our homes, and enforced in our cities.

Yearly, we produced about 300 million tons of plastics worldwide, which are non-biodegradable and can clog our city’s drainage system causing more trouble during rainy seasons. According to an article in the NY times, only about a 10 percent of the worlds’ plastic is recycled and most of them end up in landfills or in our oceans. These plastics are hunting us today. They already sabotaged our ecosystem, causing death to our marine life. We are witnessing many humpback whales around the world dead due to the ingestion of these plastics, marine turtles were trapped into a beer can holder causing deformities to their bodies, endangered birds mistook plastics as foods are now dead due to poisoning. We have done so much damaged to our mother nature and it’s time to correct the mistakes humans had made.
Recycling is one of the most effective steps we should take today. It must be taught in schools, practiced in our homes, and enforced in our cities. Educating our young about recycling in their early years would bring huge impact to the future of our planet. Classification system of plastic was established by the Society of Plastic Industry in 1998 to help us identify different type of plastics according to their recyclability. These plastic codes are printed mostly on the bottom of the containers.
Polyethylene Terephthalate are commonly recycled plastic and are used mostly for our household items. Examples are ropes, bottles, carpet fibers, etc. It is not advisable to reuse this type of plastic.
High-Density Polyethylene products are commonly recycled and are very safe for storing food or drinks since it doesn’t emit any chemicals. Examples are milk containers, shampoo, conditioners & soap bottles, bleach bottles, water bottles, etc. HDPE are reusable, but don’t use them as a food or drink container if it wasn’t used for that purpose originally (e.g. detergent containers).
Polyvinyl Chloride products are used for many kinds of pipes and tiles. Food should not be in contact with this type of plastic because it is very harmful if ingested.
Low-Density Polyethylene commonly used as sandwich bags, plastic grocery bags, squeezable bottles, etc. It is sometimes recycled.
Polypropylene products are strong and can tolerate higher temperatures. It is occasionally recycled and usually used to make medicine bottles, pots, syrup, lunch boxes, etc.
Polystyrene is the most difficult type of plastic to recycle. It is usually used as a disposable coffee cup, cutleries, food packaging, etc. It is commonly recycled.
This code indicates miscellaneous types of plastic that are not under the other categories. Polycarbonate and Polylactide are included in this category. Examples are compact disks, baby bottles, and medical storage containers. It is difficult to recycle this type of plastics.
It is sometimes a tedious process to sort out our plastics that we are tempted to just mix them up all together. However, if we don’t put effort into it, the cycle of problems that we are experiencing right now won’t end. It’s already time to make drastic changes. Many companies are now taking steps to mitigate our plastic problems and are now making oxo-biodegradable plastic and other remedies, but we still have a long way to go and the best thing to do now is recycling.

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