Not Making the most out of a whole week's time frame?

Everyone has been given the same amount of time – the educated and the illiterate, the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the big and the little, the high and the low, the royalty and the peasant, the rich man and the poor man, the beggar and the poor man. All have 1440 minutes or 24 hours each day, 7 days a week. The important thing is how this amount of time is utilized.
With this amount of time equally given among people, why is it that some accomplishes more than others? We can see people always in a rush, workers and students beating deadlines at work and school, catching a ride afraid to arrive late at work, fathers speeding up to watch a basketball game and mothers hurrying back home to prepare for dinner. But at the end of the day most people say “I haven’t done much” or “I did not make the most out of my day”.
A shattered and unproductive day is a result of a reckless and inefficient time management. Time is a valuable resource and must be used wisely. Here are some of the secrets I have learned from a friend and have been of great help to me in making the most out of my day.

1.      Do two things at one time.  One can read while eating or while getting a haircut. One can listen to a good music while reading or while doing household chores.
2.     Use the early morning and late evening hours. The man who gets ahead is the man who works while others sleep. He is up before others are up and is awake working after others have retired accomplishes more. The most quiet and uninterrupted hours of the day are those in the early morning and late evening. I have spent most of my studying while in high school and college during these hours which I find so efficient.
3.     Work the hardest when you are the most alert. Everyone has his best hours as well as lazy moments. Maybe some are sluggish after lunch. Perhaps another finds it hard to work in the evening. Determine the hours when work comes the easiest and when most can be done. By all means, capitalized on those times.
4.     Plan your day at its beginning. It has been my habit for many years now to lie in bed for about 5-10 minutes after waking up. Utilizing these few minutes planning for the rest of my day. Do things on purpose and have control over your schedule. Set goals for the day and work to achieve them.
5.     Use waiting and travel time wisely. Most of our time is spent on waiting and travelling. Always have a good book, a pen handy or paper with you so you can use them during idle hours.
6.     Eat Right. This is important. One cann0t function well without proper food. Take extra care to eat properly. Add to it exercise to keep a healthy body.
7.     Sleep on purpose. Don’t be sluggard and fall asleep whenever you want to. Decide when you are going to sleep; how much sleep you need; go to sleep by schedule and wake up by schedule.
8.    Don’t dwell on minor decisions and plan your worry time. Do not waste your time thinking what to wear the next day or what to eat for lunch and dinner. Some people use so much time and energy about the small things and never get to the big ones.
If you are prepared for the day, everything will fall to its proper place and schedule. This is the secret to getting many things done. Use the aforementioned ideas along with other to make the most out of your 24/7 time frame.

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