Working With Toddlers: How It Is Actually Healthy

Babies are troublesome, right? Babies demand your attention, poop most of the time, and scream their hearts out all the time. Parents, especially those who are new ones, become harried just after weeks of taking care of the baby. I personally find it harder to entertain my three-year old niece than foreigners for my ambassador job, with my niece always easily bored, moving from this toy to the next, leaving the room cluttered. She would climb up my double-decked bed then jump down, expecting her auntie to catch her every time. She would scream and run outside around 11pm, leaving me anxious the neighbours might throw their garbage on me. She also has a lot of questions when we watched a movie, nodding enthusiastically when I ‘attempt’ to explain a very complicated plot. She would be happy while I would reel from all the thinking I need to do.
I have worked with babies and kids aged three to six for almost three years now. That is why I know I can really tell you that working with them actually make you feel young and healthy, emotionally and physically. Your heart benefits first, when the kids fall in love with you and they are not ashamed to tell you. An adorable baby boy would hug me and tell me that he loves me, complete with dimples and adorable eyes, leaving me helplessly in love with him too. My three-year old student would also run to me, screaming ‘TEACHER!’ and you can only feel your heart become fat with love. Children at this age are seriously honest and intelligent, not pretentious and sarcastic as some people we will undoubtedly encounter in life. You do not have to pretend to be someone around them, since they are honest with you too. You are sometimes forced to smile when they look at you, which literally make you happy later even if you have problems. They also make you physically healthy since you have to run around the room to play with them. Some days I go home covered in sweat, especially during ‘play days’. I have to be fit to be able to carry those babies who are blessedly healthy in weight when they demand ‘UP, ME UP’.
Babies are usually shy at first and they throw a fit when they do not know you. But if you win their heart, they totally change from crying, tiresome babies to happy little angels. Ask around households who have babies and toddlers, they would tell you that these little fellows are ‘cuddly living stuffed bears’ and the highlight of their day. You might have just seen babies at their worst, but wait a while longer; they change quickly from little terrors to babbling cherubs, blessing those worthy with their adorable smiles.

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