Slow Connections Are Getting Out Of Hand And Getting Us Out Of Jobs!

Online jobs are the rave right now. Online jobs are great since it does not require you to be physically available. I believe that one of the famous courses available right now are courses related to computer programming or anything related to working online since the job usually have foreigners as your boss, ensuring a bigger pay than those who manually labor. There are even some posts in social media telling us that they want anyone who is free and always online to work for them with salaries reaching to 15,000 a week. Online jobs are amazing in a sense that you do not have to walk from shop to shop just to apply for a job. All you have to do is search for online sites that are looking for people to work in a job you specialize and email them your resume. Then you just sit and wait for a reply. Easy right?
Online jobs have hassles though. Two years ago, I tried applying for an online job. The job I applied for was teaching English to Chinese students online. One of the factor that was needed for sure hiring was a ‘stable’ internet connection. I got the job, with the requirement that I open slots in a certain time. During one of my classes, I suddenly lost connection with my student. I tried everything to connect again but all I can hear was bits of his voice. I even told everyone to turn their WIFIs off, thinking that it could somehow bring the internet connection back. Alas, the internet connection only came back after I already finished the time slot for the student. I told him that I would reschedule our time and I would teach him for free. However, the internet connection was lost again and I was forced to tell him that I need to reschedule again. He got so angry that he told me I was the worst teacher he ever had and he would never again book for a lesson. He then gave me a 2/5 rating and bad comments. I also read from my friend’s post that their company is making them pay fines when they are late for a class because of the slow connection. The fines usually take half of the salary and it is so disheartening that one missed class due to slow connection must be compensated with at least four classes worth of money.
What’s really annoying though is the fact that it was not your fault. But, that’s just the way it is. You can’t call your internet provider and rant every 15 minutes just to tell them that you don’t have a strong internet connection. Possible scenario would be that it still won’t improve anything for you and you will just get angrier and frustrated. We can only hope that the internet providers find a way to improve stability of internet connections. If you are thinking of applying for an online job, be sure that you have a secure internet connection because slow connections might bring you big fines or make you lose your job.


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