The Effect Of Technology Then And Now

It was 2005 when I started using mobile phones at home and I borrowed it from mom. It was helpful for me back then when I was studying in high school because communication made it easier for me and my friends. It's just one call away.

The birth of mobile phones. It's not a new model with antennae and it looks like a walkie-talkie compared to my friend's mobile phones. Then the new beginning of cell phones just came out of the bush and everyone gets paranoid. The latest model cost five thousand pesos and above, the features are monotone and a keypad type cell. Having that in possession, they will refer you as trendy. The major purpose of those old model gadget is only for communication, I would say that reasonable. As the new age is coming to us, our life has been so easy. No more hanging by the tree, or climbing to the roof to get a good network signal, it is so much better than before.

Everything is just one click away. Googled it, Facetime it, Insta capture your dinner tonight or share your story on Facebook and Snapchat.

As technology surpasses the old school stuff and progress comes to all of us.  How are the younger children doing these days? They are good at anything new. Ask them what is DIY? And they will answer back with Do-It-Yourself. And whenever you ask for water, they will simply answer DIY, please. Can't trick children these days, they are even smarter than their nanny.

The use of Internet browser to research for school assignments. This is the most instant gift from technology, the instant answer to your queries is just behind that ENTER button. Type in the keyword and Voila! Write it down and submit to your teacher the next day.

Entertainment provided by technology. Here it is, I have to stay at home all day and binge watch my favorite tv show online. I have even read my favorite magazine issues daily for a free subscription. Do you think how awesome it is? Everything in the comfort of your home.

You will get inspiration. My nephew who was ten years old has his own youtube channel, and he posted weekly video tutorials for his classmates at his age. I was so supportive that I offered my camera for capturing images and videos while I was his cameraman behind the scenes.

I asked him, what makes you decide to make youtube videos? The answer was acceptable, he wanted to teach and inspire kids to make their own money from youtube to help their mom's pay for school.

Not only technology inspires, but teach kiddos how to make a living too.

We are moving towards the rise of the robots. I don't think there's a way of turning back from innovation, transformation and what lies ahead is just behind your high-resolution laptop screen.

Good luck to our future.

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