When Is A Glass Of Water Best For The Body?

The human body is about 60 percent water, and we (humans) and all other living things need it in order to survive. When the body is provided with enough amount of water, if functions better. Digestion becomes smooth, skin is clear and moist, muscles become stronger, mood is better and the body works properly.
Water is essential to good health. Without the intake of proper amount of water, one may become dehydrated and may cause many more health problems. Over the years, experts have produced varying recommendation on the volume of water the body needs.
It’s common knowledge that drinking eight (8) glasses of water a day is essential for the body to function properly. However, do you know when the best time to drink water is? The following schedules are advised to maximize the effectiveness of water in your body:

1) After waking up?
Drink one glass of water after waking up to help activate your internal organs. The water will help in removing any toxins before your first meal of the day. A glass of cool water right after you wake up tells your body that it’s time to get going. Your circulatory system needs fluid to get rid of stubborn free radicals and residue from burned calories used during the night’s metabolism.

2) Before a meal
Drink one glass of water 30 minutes before a meal to helps digestion and helps a person feel fuller. Remember not to drink too soon before or after a meal as the water will dilute the digestive juices. Drink water an hour after the meal to allow the body to absorb the nutrients. Having a glass of water moistens the mouth and clears out leftover tastes from earlier food, drinks or smoking in anticipation of the coming meal or snack.

3) Before a bath
Drink one glass of water before taking a bath to help lower your blood pressure.

 4) Before sleep
Drink one glass of water an hour before bedtime to replenish any fluid loss that can occur during the night.

5) When Hungry

If you’re hungry between meals, pour yourself a tall glass of fresh drinking water first to see if you’re dehydrated. Sometimes people think they’re hungry when they’re really just thirsty.

6) Before a Workout
Depending on the temperature, humidity and your body’s fluid levels, you may need one or several 8-ounce glasses of water to protect against dehydration during and after your workouts. Hydration is essential to guard against heat stroke in warm weather and frostbite in cold temperatures, as your body’s circulation plays a protective role in both extremes of temperature and needs water to function properly.

7) When Sick
The advice your mom gave you still applies: When you’re sick, you need to drink plenty of fluids, including water, to get better. 

8) When Tired
If you’re feeling the need for a nap but can’t take one, have a glass or two of water instead. Fatigue is one of the signs of dehydration. Because of its ability to move quickly through the body, water can reach your brain and give you, say, a little boost before a big meeting or when you’re on deadline, even if you didn’t get as much shut-eye as you’d like.

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