Why are some networkers labeled as ‘scammers’ and how will they regain good image & reputation…

NETWORKING. Many people nowadays go away and keep distance when they hear this word. People get disappointed when they listen to networking presentations especially the time when the speaker draws circles and lines with ‘left’, right and ‘pairing’ words. Most often than not, they are discouraged when they are shared with something that involves network marketing. Some even reached a point that they cursed or blocked the person in social media so they would not be able to contact them in the future. 
The question is ‘Why networking's reputation was stained?’  This kind of marketing strategy was once on its peak and has been credited for the success of companies in the Philippines and abroad. Where did it go wrong? It all boils down with one word – DISHONESTY. Based on personal experience and experiences of my family and friends, we have made the wrong decisions previously regarding networking. It was painful since it cost us thousands of pesos and worst it cost us many good relationships that we have built over the years. The biggest mistake we did was trusting DISHONEST networkers who presented themselves as reliable business partners. 
Those networkers enticed people to invest in new companies which seemingly offer superb products and services. They promised high ROI (return on investment) at a very short period. Some even mentioned potential income which was just impossible to achieve and yet we believed them. We were so gullible to have believed their misleading representations. So that was it! We invested our hard-earned money and some even borrowed from banks and other financial institutions just to invest in those networking companies.
After a month or two, we can no longer find that ‘networker’ who invited us and enticed us to invest. The saddest thing, he has already jumped into another networking company enticing again so many people to join his new found company. We were left with not being able to get the returns on our investment, much more our invested capital. Worst, friends and acquaintances that we also have enticed to join got mad at us and cut off whatever connections we have had with them. We were left alone BROKE. Financially and Emotionally. 
So we can’t blame why many nowadays have labeled ‘networkers’ as scammers since many in the past and perhaps even nowadays had experiences with those leaders who were not being honest with their members and investors. They just give false information, false hope, and false success. Instead of helping the current company who is facing some certain problems and issues, the so-called ‘leaders’ leave the company and find another one. Which in turn also will face the same problems and they will again leave subsequently after earning for themselves without any concern of those they have fooled. So we see here a saddening cycle going on in the network or binary marketing.
So how can they gradually change this image of the networking industry? They just need to be H.O.T:
Honesty is not the best policy, it is the only policy. Investors need an honest answer to their queries; they need an honest reply and honest assessment of the company’s situation. In the first place, they have entered the business because they have trusted everything they say. Otherwise, they will not invest time, money and effort on the business. They deserve HONESTY. They should not tell lies and hypes that will just make the investors expect more and hope into nothing. If the company is losing, then they should say it honestly. Don’t hide it. Don’t sugar-coat words. Just plain TRUTH.

Communicate properly with your members. Do not fail to answer their calls, reply to their text messages or chat messages. Do not just put them on ‘SEEN MODE’. While you are still introducing the company as well as its products and services, you were running after these potential members and now you ignore them since you have already gotten what you needed from them? NO! This industry will die out if this change will be implemented. For whatever hardships and issues the company is facing, you have to let the investors know as they are also concern about the company’s welfare. You will never know if they have the solution for the issues being faced. They might be able to help.

Here, you do not need to show the company’s financial statements to be transparent. You just have to be transparent with what is really going on in the company. Why is the product supply delayed? Why are the pay-outs delayed? Why there are system glitches? Just like that.

It is high time to prove that networkers are not scammers. The world has to see it. You need to be careful as the people whom you have invited and who invested have put their trust in you. You should not leave them. You should be with them through thick and thin. The members and investors in return should also support the company through its ups and downs. Back it up, pray for its growth and support all its endeavors. Since it will be a two-way process, the company will also take care of its members and investors as they also deserve to be taken care of not only for the money they have put up but also for the TRUST they have given to the networking company.

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