Here's your 2019 Horoscope.

What does your star sign have in store for you in the new year? Your 2019 horoscope is here:

Aries (March 21-April 19)

2019 is your year to show off your strengths and abilities, so look out world, here you come. The changes you’ve made over the past eight years will begin to take shape and lead to success when you’re bold and ready to run with your successes and step into new terrain. Your path should run more smoothly this year, too, so be ready to take the initiative with exciting projects and plans. But you will also be looking for more stability; and the key place you find this will be at home, so make your home your real focus for happiness.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Prepare for considerable developments that will take you outside your comfort zone in 2019. Uranus, the celestial game-changer will be in Taurus for the next seven years from March onwards, bringing long-term change. This year, look out for opportunities especially at work, through study, travel and your personal life. Key relationship developments may signal change, such as a deepening understanding of each other or a developing mutual interest. Make sure you align your ambitions with your true values, or you may be easily misled or distracted in 2019. Health-wise, ensure you focus on a fitness routine that supports your lifestyle.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The spotlight will be on collaborations and partnerships in 2019 – both business and personal. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will be in your relationship zone until November, bringing considerable change in your partnerships. At work, it’s the year to flap your wings a little in exciting and potentially even ground-breaking areas. In your love life, this is the year for singles to consider making a commitment to someone special; and for couples to ramp up the passion! Elsewhere, you’ll revel in the opportunity to broaden horizons with family and friends, gaining memorable life experiences through study, travel and networking.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your personal life and daily routine are set for substantial change as a real turning point will take place in 2019 in one or both of these areas. Be prepared to step to a new level. Don’t doubt your abilities, as self-doubt will be your true pitfall in 2019. In the first half of the year, someone else will take much of your focus, so ensure you maintain strong focus on your own health and well-being to maximize your own potential and to avoid overwork and fatigue, as well. Be discerning this year about which opportunities align with your values; and which may simply mislead you.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

You’re ready to begin something new in 2019, and change will be driven by your emotions and the need to feel more creative and fulfilled. So let your imagination run free as this will fuel change at work, with your family, home life or simply will create fresh health circumstances. Contemplate ways to ensure a smooth-running year. You may consider streamlining various areas of interest, especially in your work life. Aim to work smarter, not harder, and you’ll find that you will gain more time to enjoy other areas of your life, such as romance, equally as much.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Travel, networking, socializing and broadening your scope all signal a buoyant year for you. During this upbeat year, you can boost self-esteem and influence right across the board – both professionally and personally. At work you should gain kudos and a sense that you can make progress, especially if you are willing to break into new terrain. This year’s eclipses will bring new social circles, friends and organizations into your life, while you’ll also relish a strong family connection. Put a strong constitutional support structure in place such as a good diet so that your efforts are supported by good health.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

You were born to shine! And in 2019, you’ll get the chance to prove it - whether you wish to excel at work, at home, or in your relationships. This is the year to make the changes you’ve been meaning to put in place for a while. Your efforts will boost your status and happiness. To ensure you succeed, it’s vital your activities match your interests, and luckily this year, you’ll get the chance to alter your work schedules so they suit your ideals better. Boost health and vitality to boost your productivity and avoid over-spending.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

New and unconventional activities will attract your attention this year. And, while this may be exciting and even exhilarating, you are likely to wander into fresh terrain where you have little experience. So, while you explore new ways to express yourself, you must anchor your plans in practical, useful ways to remain realistic. Avoid ‘pie-in-the-sky’ schemes that could lead you astray, especially at work, as you risk overestimating your potential in a new field. You’ll fuel your lust for life by learning about new ideas and even cultures through travel. Avoid gambling, both emotionally financially in 2019, to ensure a smooth year.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Start planning for an adventurous year now! Bountiful Jupiter in your sign until early December should bring joy your way. That said, it may equally produce over-exuberance, overspending and overestimating your circumstances. So, while this is a good year to broaden your horizons - for travel, deepened spirituality, study and for enjoying your favourite activities - you avoid needless risk-taking. The good news is that, if you do make a mistake, you’ll get the chance to review your circumstances from mid-April to early November. Signs of success by December will reveal just how much you will have accomplished during the year.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Three Capricorn eclipses in 2019 spell major developments for you, so prepare for considerable change, in your personal life, especially. As the year begins, a sense of purpose and the need to be organized will drive excellent goal-setting that will help you maintain focus. Your daily routine, largely due to focus on health and happiness, is set to change. You may feel it’s time to put down roots - and yet the universe has other ideas for you! This will be a changeable year, especially in January, July and December. Developments may surround your personal life, career or status. Ensure you obtain expert advice if making long-term changes, especially financially.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Prepare for significant developments in your daily schedule, work and health routines. You owe it to yourself to boost your own well-being, and to do that, you may choose to opt for better work-life balance. Optimal months for developing a new daily schedule and for boosting health to reveal the reenergized ‘you’ are January, February and August. Your domestic and home life set the scene for much anticipated happiness this year, and yet with Jupiter in your career zone, this is likely to be the area of most growth. Freedom-loving Aquarians will be attracted to travel and broadening your horizons to allow your spirit to soar.

Pisces (February 19- March 20)

Adventurous projects will reflect your fresh, pioneering perspective in 2019: travel, career development, personal change or even a growing family all spell an exciting year. The key to happiness lies in carefully choosing your social and networking circles, both at work and closer to home, as you will experience a change in the way you see both yourself and others. A real pitfall this year could be idealism, not only about the world, but also about the people you associate with. A lesson you learn may be to be compassionate and understanding of those less insightful than you.


Credit by: Philippine Star

- Lou Hendrickx (Aromilu)


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