Purple Juice Gold with Glutathione & Collagen plus Vitamin C
Contents: Purple Corn, Glutathione, Collagen & Vitamin C – The 4 powerful combination to stay young, strong and have full health protection.

Amazing Benefits of Drinking Purple Juice Gold

  •    Antioxidants

Nutrition and food experts say that natural crops that are colored with deep purple have several amounts of antioxidants, Anthocyanin, to be precise. The anthocyanin is the most powerful antioxidant discovered in the nutritional word. The more the purple color in a food, the more the power is. Therefore, the purple juice gold is the most powerful food in the world.

  •  Anti-Diabetic

The anthocyanin of purple juice gold strengthens the glandular system that affects the pancreas and how it secretes the insulin. The anthocyanin also keeps fats storage at a normal rate, therefore, reducing obesity. Fewer fats and normal body weight reduce the chances of increased blood sugar levels. Many people died due to diabetes, therefore, one should be drinking Purple Juice Gold to reduce the chances of getting diabetes.

  •   Anti-Cancer

Since the purple juice gold is rich in antioxidant content, it will act as a protector and a remedy against cancer. The antioxidants help in halting tumor, cancer growth and kill cancer cells due to its combination of anthocyanin, Vitamin C, and E.

Anthocyanin helps also in keeping off electrons to free radicals that don’t have them. It also neutralizes and makes the electrons harmless. The more the anthocyanin that is contained in the body, the better the disarming of the free radical. The radicals can destroy cells and the immune system.

  •   Anti-inflammatory

A research had been conducted and it is proven as an anti-inflammatory response of C3G (C3 as part of immune system, the key protein in the complement system while G means Glomerulopathy, telling something not working properly in glomeruli, a small unit in the kidney that filters blood.). The response is believed to be inherent from anthocyanin.

  •   Blood pressure

If high blood pressure is not treated, it can lead to heart disease, memory loss, vision loss, stroke and kidney damage. A report from the “Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology” states that purple juice gold anthocyanin lowers the high blood pressure.

  •    Anti-aging    

Since purple juice gold gives collagen health and it has a super Vitamin E, it will definitely delay aging. The most important is that it gives energy and vigor and thus you can enjoy life, hence delaying aging. The purple juice gold enables the body to reproduce new and healthier cells.

  •    Inhibits Diabetic Kidney Damage

The purple juice gold reduces inflammation and this plays an important role in the onset and progression of the diabetic kidney damage.

Glutathione Benefits 
Glutathione is a substance naturally produced by the liver. When the human body gets mature, it's production declines due to many factors. To restore the body's health, external natural resources containing glutathione will be of great help such as fruits, vegetables, and meat. Purple Juice Gold is loaded with Glutathione to empower your body!

Reduces Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress occurs when there’s an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the body’s ability to fight them off. Too-high levels of oxidative stress may be a precursor to multiple diseases. These include diabetes, cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis. Glutathione helps stave off the impact of oxidative stress, which may, in turn, reduce disease. 

       Reduces cell damage in alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Cell death in the liver may be exacerbated by a deficiency in antioxidants, including glutathione. This can lead to fatty liver disease in both those who misuse alcohol and those who don’t. Glutathione has been shown to improve protein, enzyme, and bilirubin levels in the blood of individuals with alcoholic and nonalcoholic chronic fatty liver diseases.

  • Improves insulin resistance in older individuals
Older people produce less glutathione than young ones. And Low levels of glutathione were associated with less fat burning and higher rates of fat storing in the body. Having high levels of glutathione improves insulin resistance and fat burning.

  • Increases mobility for people with peripheral artery disease
Usually happens in the legs, peripheral artery disease occurs when the peripheral arteries become clogged by plaque. Glutathione improved circulation, increasing a person’s ability to walk pain-free for longer distances.

  • Reduces symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson's affects the central nervous system and is defined by symptoms such as tremors. It currently has no cure. One older study documented intravenous glutathione’s positive effects on symptoms such as tremors and rigidity. While more research is needed, this case report suggests that glutathione may help reduce symptoms, improving quality of life in people with this disease.

  • May help fight against autoimmune disease
Glutathione helps reduce oxidative stress by either stimulating or reducing the body’s immunological response. Autoimmune diseases attack the mitochondria in specific cells. Glutathione works to protect cell mitochondria by eliminating free radicals.

  • May reduce oxidative damage in children with autism
Several studies, including a clinical trial reported in Medical Science Monitor, indicate that children with autism have higher levels of oxidative damage and lower levels of glutathione in their brain. This increased susceptibility to neurological damage in children with autism from substances such as mercury. Glutathione helps protect and increase its level oxidation stress.

  • May reduce the impact of uncontrolled diabetes
Long-term high blood sugar is associated with reduced amounts of glutathione. This can lead to oxidative stress and tissue damage. A study found that dietary supplementation with cysteine and glycine boosted glutathione levels. It also lowered oxidative stress and damage in people with uncontrolled diabetes, despite high sugar levels.

  • May reduce respiratory disease symptoms
Glutathione’s by-product and a medication used to treat conditions such as asthma and cystic fibrosis. As an inhalant, it helps to thin mucus and make it less paste-like. It also reduces inflammation. 

Collagen Benefits

  • Improves Health of Skin and Hair
Collagen production declines when we get older. Physically visible in skin loose, more wrinkles and less elasticity. Increasing collagen levels can help your skin look firmer, increase smoothness, and help your skin cells keep renewing and repairing normally.
  • Reduces Joint Pains and Degeneration
Feel extra stiff in the legs and cause pain when you move? That’s likely a loss of collagen, our tendons and ligaments start moving with less ease, leading to stiffness, swollen joints and more. With its gel-like, smooth structure that covers and holds our bones together, collagen allows us to glide and move without pain. A recent study even found that collagen is an effective treatment for treating osteoarthritis and other joint pain and disorders.
  • Helps Heal Leaky Gut
If you suffer from a leaky gut syndrome, a condition where bad-for-you toxins are able to pass through your digestive tract, collagen helps break down proteins and soothes your gut’s lining, healing damaged cell walls and infusing it with healing amino acids.  The biggest digestive benefit of consuming more collagen is that it helps form connective tissue and therefore “seals and heals” the protective lining of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Boosts Metabolism, Muscle Mass, and Energy Output
1. A boost in collagen may help increase your metabolism by adding lean muscle mass to your frame and helping with the conversion of essential nutrients. When consuming collagen, you can benefit from also consuming vitamin C to ensure your body can convert the collagen into a useable protein. This can begin to restore the source or your energy and vitality.
2. Collagen has important roles in both functions of the digestive and central nervous systems, which play big roles in maintaining a healthy, youthful body. It helps slow the effects of aging by improving the body’s use of antioxidants and is also used in the process of constructing healthy cells from DNA and RNA.
  • Strengthens Nails, Hair and Teeth

Peeling and splitting of nails could be a lack of collagen. Collagen protein is the building block of your fingernails, hair, and teeth. Collagen in our purple juice can help keep your nails strong and possibly reverse signs of hair loss.

  • Improves Liver Health 

Collagen extremely helps to detox your body of harmful substances, improve blood flow and keep your heart young. Glycine content helps minimize damage your liver experiences when it absorbs foreign substances, toxins or alcohol that shouldn’t be passing through it.

  • Protects Cardiovascular Health

Collagen can repair tissue within the joints and arteries, plus it helps control blood pressure. As part of collagen found within joints, it buffers our bodies from the effects of vibration or shock and helps us hold on to valuable cartilage as we get older. - Credits to Healthline


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  1. very informative, thanks..


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