Knitting: Soothing Pastime For The Harried Souls

Ever wanted to take on a new hobby? One of the hobbies that I have is knitting and I recommend this to those who want to enjoy a quiet peaceful time. I believe that this hobby should be taken on by those who feel stressed in dealing with life in a fast-paced manner. You have a lot to do and sometimes you just want to turn your phone off and hide in your room. This is the alternative to that and I present you several reasons why knitting is the perfect destressing hobby.
First of all, knitting gives you a chance to think. When you learn how to knit, the common pattern would be to purl and knit. You could easily remember the pattern after a few times and then your fingers will remember the work. I often pick my knitting needles when I feel my mind getting cluttered, making me clumsy or easily distracted. With my fingers knitting, I would try to arrange the thoughts that I have, understand my schedules, and think of strategies for how I can achieve my goals. I just briefly look at my handiwork, then proceed to do some deep thinking. Knitting is hassle-free in a way that it does not require a lot of concentration. I even read books while knitting, giving me chance to finish my current project while finishing a book at the same time. Knitting is also a hobby that you can leave and just take up whenever you want to. There are no timetables when you knit because you don’t have to wait for other people’s schedules to knit together since it’s a hobby that one can take without involving others. The only person who you wait on is yourself. Are you too busy today? Just put your knitting project in a place your cat or child can’t reach it and you can just take it out if you have time. You can also make money with this hobby. I often bring my knitting projects to classes since I find it soothing to listen to my teacher while my fingers work. People would often ask if they can buy the finished product or request for a thing to be knitted for them. Bag, cellphone cases, and hats, anything! You can make a business out of a hobby that you like.
But, what I really like when I knit is that it teaches me to be patient. Some project really takes long, especially when what you are knitting is a bag or a hat. No matter how much you speed up or make your fingers furiously work, knitting will always make you wait. It reminds us that no matter what we do to achieve what we want, some things will only happen in God’s time and never a second before. Knitting is for those who not only want to enjoy seeing their finished projects but who also wants a lesson in life.

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